In addition to finding your documents easily, the second objective of archiving is to preserve and keep your documents in good condition. Keeping your paper documents in good condition will prevent any damage or accidental loss. This management cannot be improvised and must be part of an archiving policy implementing rigor and organization.
How to preserve the physical integrity of your documents? As their name suggests, your papers to keep are made of… paper. Their enemies are therefore well known: humidity, water, fire, light, certain insects and dust. The first step is therefore to install your archives in a heated room, without too much direct light, equipped with smoke detectors and shelves. Never put your boxes on the floor! In order to avoid dust, insects and excess light which could gradually erase the ink from the texts, we recommend that you place your documents in solid and closed archive boxes. And since you can never be too careful, be sure to go to this room from time to time to check that everything is going well (no water damage, humidity, or broken radiator, for example).